Code of Conduct
Servicer Code of Conduct
We the servicers (credit collection companies) perform business for the sound development of the national economy and with a strict awareness of legal compliance. To this end, we set forth the Servicer Code of Conduct (Ten Commitments).
1. | We servicers comply with the Servicer Act and all other laws and ordinances, and respect social rules. |
2. | We servicers honor the fairness and sociality of contracts and engage in collection activities based on laws, ordinances, and social norms while seeking the sincere implementation of contracts. |
3. | We servicers build internal control systems to ensure transparency of corporate governance. |
4. | We servicers strictly manage personal information and do not use it for purposes other than which it was intended. |
5. | We servicers take a firm stance against antisocial forces. |
6. | We servicers actively engage in training and certification activities and strive for self-improvement. |
7. | We servicers work to build an environment to facilitate the work of our employees. |
8. | We servicers contribute to society and the region and fulfill our role as corporate citizens. |
9. | We servicers, in partnership with attorneys on the board, follow the example set by top-level management in our commitment to observing this Code of Conduct. |
10. | In the event a situation occurs in violation of this Code of Conduct, we servicers work to investigate the cause, prevent a reoccurrence, and ensure accountability. |

Enacted May 22, 2007