Message from the President

The Loan Servicers Association of Japan is a self-regulatory organization for claim management and collection companies (servicers) established according to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Claim Management and Collection Businesses. The Loan Servicers Association of Japan was established as a private organization on October 16, 2000 and became a general incorporated association on April 1, 2009.

While promoting cooperation and exchange of information between member companies in the servicer industry, the Association fosters the proper operation and smooth execution of the industry and aims to contribute to the healthy development of the national economy through business related to the development and promotion of the industry based on cooperation with government agencies and industry groups.

The Association has set forth "contributing to the regeneration of the Japanese economy though the servicer business" as its basic policy for fiscal 2016.

In addition to the lobbying activities for the reform of the present servicer Act and further enhancements of working committee’s activities, the Association continues to consider its standard to be the improvement and maintenance of social confidence and promotes initiatives for the enhancement and adoption of voluntary regulations aimed at establishing compliance as the basis by which to realize this standard. The Association will furthermore continue activities centered on support for eliminating organized crime and other antisocial forces and initiatives relating to compliance with relevant laws and ordinances.

Moving forward, we will engage in various measures based on the above basic policy and fulfill our duty as a self-regulatory organization.

June 30, 2016
Akihisa Yamada
President of the Loan Servicers Association of Japan